Assess land use and regulatory protections against harmful development patterns.
Equity | Local | Hinterland | Global |
  | X | X |   |
1. Classify land into the categories below as a percentage of total land area. Categories should not overlap.
2. Calculate the protected land factor using the following formula:
LF + 0.75 LN + 0.5 LP + 0.25 LI = protected land factor
Category: LF = % of land that is undeveloped and protected primarily for nature conservation or indigenous and local traditional use.
Examples: Green belts, protected watershed areas, local co-managed forests, botanical gardens, and protected ecological parks. Includes IUCN protected area categories Ia, Ib. May also include land outside the local government boundary that is connected to the city via agreements such as payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes.
Category: LN = % of land that is natural and protected or conserved but allows for sustainable use and/or access.
Examples: Natural areas within public parks (vegetated and unmown), protected riparian zones in a residential area, or sustainably managed and protected forests. Includes IUCN protected area categories II, III, IV, V, VI. May also include land outside of the local government boundary that is connected to the city via agreements.
Category: LP = % of land under conservation development approaches.
Examples: Conservation development zones, clustered development areas, or areas that have existing requirements for natural restoration or protection when development occurs.
Category: LI = % of land with incentives encouraging conservation-friendly development.
Examples: Same as LP above, except with a non-mandatory approach. May include disincentives such as requiring an environmental assessment or riparian permit.